Current account deposits a prohibition on the payment of interest 活期存款无息储蓄存款
Current account deposits 活期帐户存款
Took place in july 2001 with full deregulation of savings and current account deposits 月开始,撤销储蓄和活期存款的利率限制
The whole process of interest rate liberalisation took seven years , starting in october 1994 with the deregulation of interest rates for time deposits of longer - term maturity and ending in july 2001 with the deregulation of interest rates for savings and current account deposits 整个撤销利率管制的过程花了7年时间,由1994年10月撤销较长期限定期存款利率的限制起,至2001年7月撤销储蓄及往来存款利率的限制结束。